Project PreSlabTec

PreSlabTec – Novo sistema de laje préfabricada ultraleve e de elevado desempenho estrutural

Com o objetivo de explorar o potencial da utilização criteriosa de betão reforçado com fibras (BRF) e perfis de chapa aço enformados a frio para produzir um sistema construtivo inovador de laje aligeirada integralmente pré-fabricada e de elevado desempenho comportamental para edifícios de habitação e comércio, a CiviTest realizou ensaios experimentais preliminares com protótipos de escala reduzida e efetuou modelações…

Thermal performance of steel and fibre reinforced concrete composite floor

In general, steel and concrete composite floors tend to present a reduced functional performance (considering thermal and acoustic conditions), due to their low mass and to the high conductivity of the steel elements. By including components with high thermal insulation capacity in these structural systems, it is possible to maintain the structure lightness and not compromise the thermal performance. Within…

Appraisal of MC2010 shear resistance approaches coupled with a residual flexural strength prediction model

In the present work the predictive performance of the two approaches proposed by Model Code 2010 for the evaluation of the shear capacity of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) elements flexurally reinforced with conventional steel bars is assessed considering a database (DBs) constituted by 80 FRC beams do not including conventional transverse reinforcements. The accuracy of these shear models is evaluated…

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