Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Part I: Characterization and Design

Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) is a cementitious material reinforced with discontinuous fibers, with a progressive increase of use in the last decades. However, designer’s reveal some inexperience with the potentialities of this material and with design approach to be used in the dimensioning of FRC structural elements. This paper aims to present in a comprehensive methodology the design recommendations provided by fib Model Code 2010 for the design of FRC structural elements, in order to contribute for a more correct use of this material, mainly in applications where it stands as a competitive alternative to concrete reinforced with conventional steel bars.

Valente, T.D.S.; Gonçalves, D.M.F.; Lourenço L.A.P.; Costa, I.G.; Barros, J.A.O., ”Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Part I: Characterization and Design”, Magazine “Concrete goods and constructions, N1, 52-61, 2017 (written in Russian)

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