A CiviTest vai estar presente na ExpoMix2016 – Moscovo
A CiviTest estará presente na “Dry Mixtures, Concretes and Mortars – ExpoMix” que se realiza em Moscovo (Rússia) entre 30 de novembro e 2 de dezembro de 2016.
A convite da organização será dada uma apresentação pública sobre o projeto LEGOUSE, onde a Civitest teve a responsabilidade de desenvolver e caracterizar o betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras (BACRF). O LEGOUSE é uma construção modular constituída pela assemblagem de painéis sandwich formadas por camadas externas de BACRF, núcleo de isolamento térmico, e conetores em fibra de vidro.
Resumo da apresentação:
“By taking advantage of the appropriate use of cement and polymer based materials and advanced computational tools, a pre-fabricated affordable house was built in a modular system. Modular system refers to the complete structure that is built-up by assembling pre-fabricated sandwich panels composed of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) outer layers that are connected by innovative glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) connectors, resulting in a panel with adequate structural, acoustic, and thermal insulation properties. The modular house was prepared for a typical family of six members, but its living area can be easily increased by assembling other pre-fabricated elements. The speed of construction and the cost of the constructive elements make these houses competitive when compared to traditional solutions.
In this work the relevant research subjacent to this project (LEGOUSE) is described, as well as the construction process of the built real scale prototype.”